Haoran Xue Group

Research directions

Topological photonics

Topological photonics is an area that study topological phases for electromagnetic waves. Our current studies in this field include valley photonic crystals, higher-order topological states, topological lattice defects, etc. We are also interested in finding new applications based on the concept of topology. We conduct experiments at microwave frequencies and also collaborate with other groups on photonic/optical experiments.

Topological acoustics

Similar to topological photonics, topological acoustics studies topological phases for sound. In this direction, we focus on the experimental realizations of complex topological models that are hard to realize in other systems, such as 3D topological phases, topological states enabled by gauge flux and models with complex hopping/on-site terms.

Non-Hermitian physics

Non-Hermiticity brings many surprises to the topological band theory. Our interests along this direction include both theoretical and experimental studies on new physics and topological phases in non-Hermitian systems. Our current focus is non-Hermitian Dirac cones, non-Hermitian skin effects and topological lasers.